How to Spot Common Eye Problems (and How to Protect Your Vision)

When it comes to health and wellness, people sometimes overlook eye care. Many Long Islanders live with common eye problems, like refractive errors, that are going untreated. During Healthy Vision Month this May, Harmony Healthcare Long Island is here to help you more clearly recognize when it is time to visit the optometrist.
Learn to Recognize Common Eye Problems Early
Your eyes are a sensitive part of your body that requires care and attention. You will be better able to protect your eyesight if you learn how to recognize the most common vision problems.
Refractive Errors
Refractive errors are a very common vision condition that often goes undiagnosed. It occurs when the shape of a person’s eye keeps light from focusing correctly on the retina. Approximately 150 million Americans use glasses or contact lenses to help their eyes compensate for refractive errors.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
AMD is an eye disease that tends to make many basic activities, like reading and driving, more difficult. This vision problem causes the blurring of the sharp, central vision. AMD typically occurs in older people and can lead to vision loss over time.
A cataract — a cloudy area in the lens of the eye — is one of the more common eye problems among older Americans. They can cause blurry, hazy or less-colorful vision, interrupting daily activities. More than half of all Americans over 80 years of age either have cataracts or have had surgery to treat it.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy can cause vision loss and blindness in people living with diabetes. Those who have it may see dark, floating spots or streaks, caused by bleeding blood vessels in the eye. When symptoms like these appear, it is best to receive treatment as soon as possible.
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that damages the optic nerve, causing vision loss and ultimately blindness. It sometimes goes undiagnosed because its symptoms start slowly. Glaucoma can only be diagnosed by a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Although there is no cure, early treatment can be effective at reducing vision damage.
More commonly known as “lazy eye,” Amblyopia is a type of vision problem in which one eye is stronger than the other. “Lazy eye” often begins in childhood and is the most common cause of vision loss in children. Early treatment of Amblyopia can be effective at preventing long-term vision problems.
Receive an Eye Exam During Healthy Vision Month
Your first step towards seeing more clearly is to schedule a vision screening. Whether you are experiencing eyestrain headaches or not having any vision issues, regular eye exams are highly recommended. Your optometrist can identify common eye problems and provide treatment that will protect your vision.
Harmony Healthcare Long Island is Here to Help You See More Clearly
At our conveniently located health centers in your community, we provide optometry services as a part of our comprehensive specialty health care services. In coordination with our health care professionals, you can receive a comprehensive eye exam, regardless of your insurance status or ability to pay. If you have not received an eye exam lately, schedule one during Healthy Vision Month this May!
Contact us today to request an optometry appointment.