Medication Management: Know Your Limitations, Interactions, and Scheduling

labeled pill organizer

What do we mean by “medication management”? Simply put, it’s about handling the various medications we take, whether for ten days or a lifetime. Considering that all medicines are intended to prevent, treat, or cure illnesses, forgetting or mismanaging them impedes their effectiveness.

Stay Safe and Informed: Ask About Your Medications

Medication management starts in the doctor’s office and continues at the pharmacy. When prescribed medication, you must be aware of many things. Are you allergic? What are the possible side effects? Are there any interactions to be aware of or concerned about? You and your doctor must cover these questions when considering treatments to ensure their safe and effective use. Proper medication management enhances the efficacy of treatments and minimizes the risk of adverse drug interactions and side effects.

pharmacist going over medicatiion

9 Simple Tips for Effective Medication Management Tips

1.      Create a Routine

Establish a daily routine for taking your medications, such as at the same time every day, with or after meals, or before bed.

2.      Use a Labeled Pill Box

Storing your pills in a labeled container will help keep your medication organized, accessible, and visible.

3.      Keep a Medication Calendar

Write down each medication’s date, time, and dose on a calendar to help you stay organized and ensure you’re taking them consistently. This is also helpful when suffering from a cold or flu and keeping track of when you take over-the-counter pain relievers.

4.      Take Photos of Your Medication

woman sitting and reading about her pill bottle on her phone

A photo of each medication you take, with its label and any relevant instructions, will help you or your loved ones identify them if needed. It is also handy to have a photo of them on your phone if you ever need to refer to what you are taking.

5.      Store Medications Properly

Store your medications in their original containers. If there are children around, you want to keep everything on the top shelf and, if possible, with a child safety lock.

6.      Communicate with Your Doctor

Always ask your doctor or pharmacist for clarification if you have any questions or concerns, such as uncomfortable or painful side effects or what to do if you miss a dose.

7.      Don’t Just Stop Taking Medication

You should consult with your doctor or pharmacist before stopping any medications due to the possibility of an extreme reaction. Doing so could have many consequences, and you must have their professional advice and guidance before you stop. This includes not finishing a prescription because you started to feel better.

8.      Consider Using a Medication App

There are many apps available that can help you manage your medications. It may offer features such as tracking dosages, setting reminders and alerts, and sending notifications to your healthcare provider.

9.      Keep Track of Your Refills

Depending on the types of medications and insurance policies, you must be aware of different rules and guidelines for refills. From knowing how many refills you get on a prescription to ensuring that your local pharmacy or online prescription provider has the current and correct information. You don’t want a lapse in dosage due to waiting for authorization on refills.

When in Doubt, Reach Out: Contact Your Physician

By following these tips, you can stay on track with your medications and ensure you receive the best possible care. Remember to contact your physician anytime with questions or concerns about your medications. Our doctors and care coordination services at Harmony Healthcare Long Island are available for all your medication management needs.

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