3 Simple Health Tips for the New Year and Their Benefits

The new year always comes with resolutions, and healthy ones always seem to top the list for many. For a good reason, too; not much else is as important as our health. Finding simple health tips is one thing, but we must be dedicated to following them. Understanding why these tips are good for you while also learning how not following them can be bad for you will help you stay motivated and invested in yourself.
Follow These Simple Health Tips
“Simple” doesn’t mean “unimportant”. With these three tips, the most challenging part will likely be the discipline to be consistent with them. However, when you learn and consider how important they are to the basic foundation of your health, you will be inspired to do so.
1. Low Salt Diet
Salt intake can sneak up on you. Even if you are very disciplined about not adding it to meals, you have to remember how much is already in what you eat in the first place. The average American eats nearly 3,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium daily.
Too much salt intake can lead to headaches and a rise in blood pressure and dehydrate you. The recommended amount per the American Heart Association is 2,300 mg a day. If you have more than the recommended amount over a long period of time, you run the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension), stroke, kidney disease, kidney stones, and heart disease.
Most people don’t realize how much salt is in some food because they don’t think of them as “salty” food or don’t taste it. Items like bread, salad dressing, cereal, shrimp, and cottage cheese are very unassuming foods high in sodium. Do your homework on other salty foods, try not to add any to prepared meals, and aim for a daily amount of only 1,500 mg.
2. Consistent and Proper Sleep Habits
We all know that we should be getting more sleep at times, yet we might not know how lack of sleep affects us. Whether you realize it or not, lack of sleep over prolonged periods of time can lead to serious health consequences like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and a weaker immune system.
Other concerns come from not getting enough sleep; one of the most alarming issues is the number of people falling asleep behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that fatigue causes more than 100,000 auto crashes annually in the United States. It also affects your overall cognitive processes, mood, and physical appearance.
Develop and maintain a consistent sleep schedule to ensure you get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. If you tend to snore, make an appointment with a pulmonologist. Also, remember that snoring interrupts your sleep and puts you at risk for more severe health issues, including heart attack or stroke.
3. Importance of Staying Hydrated
60% of the human adult body is water. For something as vital to our lives as water is, you wouldn’t think we would need to be reminded to drink it as much as we constantly are in society. Simply put, we need it to survive; the average person can’t last longer than three days without it.
Water is essential to most bodily functions :
- Digestion
- Carrying nutrients and oxygen to our cells
- Regulating our internal body temperature
- Protecting our brain and spinal cord
- Lubricates joints
- Improves your skin
- Aids with building muscles
- Prevents sprains and cramping
It is recommended that the average adult in America should drink 7 – 9 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Avoid salty foods that will dehydrate you, and have foods like fruits, berries, and greens that will help hydrate you instead.
Harmony Healthcare Long Island can help you with reaching your healthy living goals.
Contact us today to request an appointment!